Upcoming Events
June 11 – 6AM to 8 PM Town Budget Referendum, Woodbury Sr Community Center
June 13 – 7:30 PM Woodbury Board of Selectmen Meeting, Shove Conference Room
June 18 – 6 AM to 8 PM Region 14 Budget Referendum, Woodbury Sr Community Center
June 19 – All town offices closed for Juneteenth
June 27 – 7:30 PM Woodbury Board of Selectmen Meeting, Shove Conference Room
July 4 – Happy Independence Day!! All town offices closed. Not RTC meeting
July 11 – 7 PM Woodbury RTC Meeting, Emergency Services Building
REGULAR WRTC MEETINGS: Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at the Emergency Services building, 25 Quassuk Road. All Woodbury Republicans are invited.
NEXT MEETING: The first Thursday is July 4 so we are moving the meeting out 1 week
When: Thursday, July 11 at 7 PM.
Where: Woodbury Fire House , Woodbury, CT 06798
The Woodbury Republican Town Committee develops policies involving political involvement in local government and holds caucuses or meetings for the nomination of candidates for local offices, and for delegates to area and state conventions. Membership eligibility is open to enrolled Republican electors in town. The committee is governed by state statues, state Republican rules and local by-laws. The town committee consists of fifteen members and up to ten alternates.
Our primary mission is to seek, designate, and secure the election of capable and well-qualified candidates for public office at the local and district levels of government. We collaborate with the CTGOP and the RNC to secure the election of the most capable Republican candidates for statewide and federal offices. We also seek to educate voters, grow the party and to return Individual Liberty, Affordability, and Common-Sense Government in Connecticut
Food Fuel and Fix it Raffle
The Woodbury RTC is sponsoring a Food Fuel and Fix it raffle. The first prize is $600 in groceries, second prize $400 in fuel or car repairs, and third prize $200 at Ace Hardware. Only 600 tickets will be sold. Odds of winning a prize is 1 in 200. Watch for the next dates that we’ll be out and about!
Help your local GOP. Your contributions allow us to spread our message and support our Republican candidates. Thank you for your generosity.