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Upcoming Events

September 30 – Charter Revision Public Hearing – Woodbury Senior Community Center 7 PM

October 3 – WRTC Regular Meeting – Woodbury Firehouse – 7 PM

October 3 – Joint Board of Selectmen/Board of Finance Meeting –  Shove Building Conference Room – 7:30 PM

October 10 – 7:30 PM Board of Selectmen meeting. Shove Conference Room

October 14 – Town offices closed for Columbus Day

October 16 – 7:30 PM Board of Finance meeting. Woodbury Senior Community Center

October 24 – 7:30 PM Board of Selectmen meeting. Woodbury Senior Community Center


REGULAR WRTC MEETINGS: Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at the Emergency Services building, 25 Quassuk Road. All Woodbury Republicans are invited.

NEXT MEETING:   Thursday, October  3  at 7 PM.

Where Woodbury Fire House , Woodbury, CT 06798


The Woodbury Republican Town Committee develops policies involving political involvement in local government and holds caucuses or meetings for the nomination of candidates for local offices, and for delegates to area and state conventions. Membership eligibility is open to enrolled Republican electors in town. The committee is governed by state statues, state Republican rules and local by-laws. The town committee consists of fifteen members and up to ten alternates.



Food Fuel and Fix it Raffle

Woodbury Republican Town Committee Food, Fuel, or Fix-it Raffle!

Drawing was held on 9/28.

517 out of 600 tickets were sold.  Stay tuned for the list of winners.

1st Place: $600 certificate for Groceries at Labonnes

2nd Place: $400 certificate for Gas (or vehicle repair combination) at Roberts Motor Car in Woodbury

3rd Place: $200 certificate for Ace Hardware in Woodbury.


Help your local GOP. Your contributions allow us to spread our message and support our Republican candidates. Thank you for your generosity.